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B.E.L.L. Program

The Bridge to Earning, Learning, and Living (B.E.L.L.) Program is an inclusive postsecondary certificate program offered by Roberts Wesleyan University on campus for students ages 18-26 with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are transitioning to adulthood. The program is a partnership between CP Rochester, Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES, and Roberts Wesleyan University.

The BELL Program focuses on authentic inclusive experiences that provide academic enrichment, socialization, and the acquisition of life and vocational skills necessary for sustainable and gainful employment. 

A key component of this program is that all members of the campus community can benefit from inclusive experiences. All courses, activities, and work experiences are catered to students’ individual career goals and interests. Personal enrichment, independence, and preparation for competitive employment after graduation are goals for all students.

Program Highlights

  • Designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

  • Offers collegiate opportunities for individuals aged 18-26.

  • Full scholarships are available- to cover the cost of three classes (can be taken for credit or audit).

  • Over 50% of inclusive time on campus with at least 9-12 hours weekly in

    • inclusive certificate education credits courses

    • Inclusive internship sites

    • Inclusive social experiences offered to the entire college campus

  • Educational Assistants, Peer Mentors, and a Job Coach to support individuals in all three areas- Earning, Learning, and Living, utilizing a Person-Centered approach.

  • The certificate can be completed in four semesters *Spring and Fall semesters are approximately 15 weeks long

  • Literacy/ GED preparation


  • Must be motivated to be part of a college campus.

  • Must desire employment in the community.

  • Must show a desire to increase ability to be a self-advocate.

  • Must be independent for up to 60 minutes (on and off-campus).

  • Must be independent in daily living skills.

  • Must be self-medicating.

  • Must need a non-barrier-free environment.

Frequently asked questions

  • CP Rochester funding for the adults aged 21-26 who attend this program will be a Community Habilitation service through OPWDD. BOCES 2 will provide support to students aged 18- 21.

  • Transportation to and from Roberts Wesleyan will be provided through Day Habilitation funding.

  • BOCES 2 students and CP Rochester adults will work collaboratively through course offerings such as Money Management, Health and Nutrition, GED Preparation, Art Classes, Job Club, and many more.

  • Adults interested in some aspects of the program but not interested in receiving a completion certificate may also apply to receive Day Habilitation services at Roberts Wesleyan.

  • 1:1 staffing is not available.

  • Financial Aid is available but not guaranteed

What service are you interested in?

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about Day Habilitation, contact us by filling out the form below.

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